Why do I specialise in brain & skin health, and my other nutritional interests.

I’m Kate; Founder and Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (BA[Hons.], DipION, ReCODE 2.0, mBANT, rCNHC) at Eat Drink Think Nutrition® Limited.

My interest in nutrition stems from personally enduring lifelong itching and unsightly Eczema, and from witnessing the heart-wrenching effects of cognitive decline through Alzheimer’s Dementia; insidiously stripping-away the vibrancy, dignity and personality of the sufferer. Anyone who has witnessed cognitive decline will know that any diet & lifestyle changes made now will more-than repay themselves in extended time with a ‘real’ person rather than just their external façade.

Alongside skin and brain health, I offer nutritional guidance for gut health and general health rebalancing & revitalising.

So whether you are seeking support specifically in the above areas, or are striving to achieve optimum general health through diet and lifestyle approaches, I would be delighted to help your achieve & sustain the resplendent health and healthspan you deserve.

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food

- Hippocrates