Why Nutritional Therapy?

I’m Kate; a Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner specialising in brain, skin, and gut health.

My work as a Nutritionist places critical emphasis on personalised health by designing bespoke and sustainable diet & lifestyle programmes.

The intricacies of Nutritional Therapy will also impart a lifelong appreciation and understanding of food, diet and lifestyle which will inspire you to cherish and cultivate your wellbeing and feel your best self.

A renewed you through nutrition

Nutritional Therapy with Eat Drink Think Nutrition®

Following the functional medicine philosophy of supporting the individual and addressing the root cause not just the symptom of suboptimal health, Eat Drink Think Nutrition® offers bespoke diet & lifestyle recommendations (backed-up by optional functional medicine testing), and sustainable health plans to empower you to support and optimise your health with ease.

Read more to discover how Kate’s own experiences led her to Nutritional Therapy and how it could likewise benefit your health & wellness.

Eat Drink Think Nutrition® specialist areas of nutritional interest include brain health (Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease), skin health (Eczema), gut health, and general health revitalisation.

Services include 1:2:1 Nutrition Consultations, Sk’intuition Programmes, Corporate Presentations and Pantry Purifications.


Explore this website and get in touch via the Contact Form, directly via Discover’e-mail, or by booking your complimentary 30 minute Discovery Call with Kate.